What are Sheertex Tights? 

They are uniquely-made tights, designed to be more durable than any other tights on the planet. They are made from the same polymer used to make bullet-proof vests, which is apparently 10x stronger than steel. They have a patent pending on the way they knit their hosiery and have been hailed as one of the best inventions by TIME Magazine.

The range includes both sheer and opaque tights, across several sizes from XS to XXXL.

Are Sheertex tights worth it? 

The prices currently range from £45 to £59, which is clearly more than your average pair of pin coverings. To be worth it, I’d say, they have to live up to their durable promises. I decided the only way to find out if they are actually as durable as they claim was to wear them a considerable amount. So for one month, I wore Sheertex every day. 

First impressions: 

When they arrived, the packaging was simple but classy. Duck-egg green and featuring the pineapple that they have famously used to show off the tights’ strength.

When I first took them out of the packaging, I could feel from the weight and texture of the material that these were different from other tights I’ve bought. Pulling them with my fingers, they felt firmer and slightly less stretchy than other tights I’ve bought in the past. 

When I pulled them onto my legs for the first time, I was initially worried that they might be uncomfortable, but they generously stretched over my thighs and accommodated my belly. Once on, they were snug (as you’d expect from tights) and certainly held in my stomach a little, but as soon as I was dressed and moving around, they felt like any other tights - they didn’t draw attention to themselves throughout the day.

Wearing them every day for a month.

My daily routine involves a mixture of working from home, going into the office in London by train and tube, visiting friends, taking my son to activities, and outdoor walks to the park and woods. I tend to do a workout in front of the TV in the morning and did wear the tights once as a test, but I didn’t enjoy being sweaty in them. Like any other tights, they are not designed to be workout gear!

I only had one pair, which meant I had to wash them each evening and hang them over my chair each night. You’re supposed to lay them flat but I wasn’t sure where I could do this that wouldn’t invite attack from either children or pets. Luckily they are super fast drying and were always completely dry enough to put on in the morning. I’m pleased to say that the repeated washing, even though I was wringing the tights out quite vigorously into a towel, did not lead to any loss of shape or fading of the deep black colour.

Being January, the weather was cold, and I found that the tights did protect me against the worst of the chill. Fashion-wise, they went with almost anything - dresses and skirts all paired well with them. I once wore jeans over them as it was a particularly cold day and I was extra cosy.

I often wear leggings rather than tights but as these tights were opaque it was a very similar look, just a little smarter. I was able to wear them with trainers, leather shoes, pumps, and heels. The material is nicely non-slippy which was a bonus. Sometimes wearing tights in heels, I find my foot can slide crushingly into the toe portion if the tights are too slippery. 

The biggest tests.

Repeated pulling on and off

Simply putting the tights on each morning felt like it might be one of the major tests the tights would have to endure. I’m not the most coordinated of humans - I’m always getting dressed in a bit of a hurry, often while a toddler runs around me, pulling anything he can reach off the surfaces, and my nails have not seen an emery board for months. I also wear a diamond engagement ring which has definitely been the prime culprit in ending other tights.
However, day after day, I was able to pull them up with increasing confidence that they could withstand my jerky, ragged-nailed tugging.

Over-excited pets 

I have a very amorous cat - the kind that will lick half your skin off with her sandpaper tongue if you let her. She loves nothing more than to be on my lap on the sofa or on my work chair, and unfortunately she’s a ‘kneader’ - for non cat people this is a cat behaviour where a cat likes to knead parts of your body as if it is dough, often using a bit of their claws in the process. She attempts this at least once a day, and I’m not always quick enough to stop her. Prim had managed to create holes even in my leggings, so she was one of the elements of my life that I was most worried about. She certainly got a chance to dig her claws in 4 or 5 times over the month, and each time I checked the tights with trepidation. However, I couldn’t even see where her claws had pierced.

On Mondays my mother in law comes over to take care of my son while I work. She always brings with her a very excited cockapoo called Sadie, who, while incredibly sweet, has never got out of the habit of jumping up on people. As soon as I open the door, she’s upon me, scrabbling at my legs with her claws. I’m happy to report that not only did the tights come through unscathed, but my skin itself felt more protected than when I wore leggings.

Terrible toddlers 

My toddler lives at knee level and will clutch at my legs if he wants to be carried. He also has been known to bite my legs - not in a nasty way - but because he’s so happy to see me… lucky me! The tights have held up against toddler teeth and nails with no noticeable damage.

Commuting and Velcro - death to all tights.

I have lost so many tights to Velcro. Often from my own umbrella clasp or laptop bag, but sometimes other people’s bags while commuting. That’s the worst. The embarrassing hopping dance while a stranger on the tube drags off half the fibres from your brand new 30 deniers is truly demoralizing. 

I didn’t have much contact with Velcro over the month, and felt this was a test that these tights needed to pass so I used a Velcro pad from my eye mask to test the tights (high up on the thigh, just in case). The velcro didn’t seem to be able to get a grip and when I pulled away, no damage was done.


Who hasn’t put their toes through a brand new pair of tights? Granted, this usually happens with much sheerer tights than the ones I’m testing, but even with thick tights, if your nails are bit long or snaggly, it can cause holes. That’s why for the month before and during the month I wore the tights, I made sure not to cut or shape my toenails into short, smooth, tight-friendly ovals.

Instead I let them GROW! Witness the magnificence. I also steered clear of nail varnish as that may dull any natural sharp edges.

On inspection at the end of the month, I properly noticed for the first time that the toe area isn’t reinforced in the way many pairs of tights are. Despite this the material was in perfect condition with no sign of wear or tear caused by my gnarly talons. 

Final verdict.

Nothing is truly indestructible. When we were first sent some sample fabric from Sheertex, I attacked them with a pair of brand new ultra-sharp nail scissors. Unsurprisingly perhaps, I did manage to snip a hole. However, this type of deliberate sabotage is not real life, which is why this month of wearing the tights was so important. 


The tights performed completely as promised, with no visible change from when I first put them on. They haven’t sagged or become looser either.

If you wear tights often, these are a great investment. 


Considering they are made from the same material as bulletproof vests, I was impressed with how soft they have managed to make them. I’m due to have a baby in July and I was worried that my growing baby bump would mean I would have to quit the challenge. However the tights pull up quite comfortably over my bump at this point. They smooth out the silhouette in the same way as shaper tights do. I quite happily wear them all day, but have occasionally taken them off after dinner to let my bump have some more room to enjoy the food!

Other things to consider:

The longevity is key, but I also really appreciate other elements of Sheertex.

Ethical practices - unlike many clothing manufacturers, Sheertex chose not to outsource their factory to another country, but to produce the garments themselves in Canada, so they could ensure good working conditions and quality control 

Their production process saves waste - they use extra material from their production process to make new products like masks, headbands, scrunchies, and underwear.

They have a 90 day guarantee - not as long as we’d perhaps like at BMO, given that we have products on the site that have a multi-century warranty, but for tights, it’s completely unheard of and best in category.

So… are Sheertex tights worth it? 

For me, who wears tights a lot, these tights are worth the upfront cost. From the performance I’ve seen over the last month, they have already outlived many cheaper pairs of tights that I’ve bought in the past.

Value for money is just one element though - it’s also important to consider that buying longer-lasting products is the best thing you can do for the planet. Every pair of tights that breaks and has to be replaced, meaning more resources, more carbon emissions, more plastic in landfill and more waste.

With 2 billion pairs of tights going to landfill every year, the choice to me is clear - if at all possible, try to buy once and buy well. These tights will help you do that.

Time to make the switch? Shop Sheertex now

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