10 gift ideas for outdoor adventurers
Adventurers tend to favour practicality over home comforts. Think swapping the leaky takeaway tupperware for a sturdy metal lunchbox... Or hiking socks with a lifetime guarantee. Plus, it’s not just about nice kit - choosing last-lasting stuff helps preserve the natural world that adventurers cherish.
Portable Bluetooth Speakers Built to Last
When it comes to electrical devices, particularly portable ones, we’re extremely cautious. But the made in the UK Minirig Bluetooth speaker had a remarkable billing – they call it the best there is.
The Eco-Explorer: Camping Gear that Leaves No Trace
If you’re a regular outdoorsy type, you’ll be familiar with the ‘Leave No Trace’ signposts placed prominently throughout campsites and trail routes. Here at BuyMeOnce we take ‘Leave No Trace’ to the next level and aim to find products that will last so long, that their trace on this planet will be as limited as possible.
5 Travelling Pitfalls and How to Combat Them
Travelling is an amazing thing. You get to experience different cultures, cuisines, wildlife and learn so much about the world, but it is also a large burden on our planet. It makes you realise the negative impact humans have when you see waste everywhere. However, all is not lost! You can still have incredible experiences by just travelling more sustainably and being mindful. Here are five common pitfalls I have encountered when travelling and ways to combat them.
8 Amazing Resources for Travelling Mindfully
In the same way you can vote with your cash to encourage a more ethical and sustainable fashion industry, it’s possible to support awesome, forward-thinking companies whilst booking your travels. There are loads of websites out there working hard to initiate change, so why not make your voice heard and your cash count?
BuyMeOnce Festival Guide: 7 Essential Buys & What to Avoid
As you slink back to your campsite, as the clock ticks past 3am, and as the last glory of Sunday night fades into a weather-beaten Monday... the last thing you want to stumble into is a half-collapsed, sodden seamed, waterlogged tent. We discover the dos and don'ts of festival going.