When it comes to Christmas, often people’s thoughts initially go to present giving. But we know that there’s so much more to the festive season than that.

We reached out to you, our Buy Me Once community to ask about your favourite things about Christmas, and the traditions that have been going for generations in your home.

With the cost of living and uncertainty about 2023, it's meant that nearly 60% of people are planning to spend less this Christmas, but we think there’s much more to Christmas than just giving and receiving presents.

We want to bring the focus back to the things that don’t require a credit card or a wad of cash. Let’s share our personal stories of traditions and enjoyments. And you never know, you might decide that 2022 is the year you start a new tradition to be passed down for generations to come.

First up in our series of traditions and favourite times is Amy. 

Amy’s favourite thing about Christmas? Well it’s just one lovely, strong and meaningful word: unity. 

As for traditions? Every year, Amy and her mum bake their own Christmas cakes, and then take joy in swapping half with each other so they can both enjoy a delicious home-made cake from a loved one. More often than not, it really is the simple things in life that give us the greatest joy.


Christmas cake traditions
Christmas cake traditions
Christmas cake traditions

Next up in our series is Tanya.

Now you all know how much we love long-lasting durable things in life. And that’s also applicable to lovely, super meaningful home made items too. One of Tanya’s treasured traditions is getting out their Christmas tree angel made by their son at nursery over 24 years ago.

Have you got a treasured decoration that’s appreciated year after year?

Home made christmas fairy

Home made christmas fairy

Here's Sophie with some traditional and delicious traditions.

With the whirlwind of highs and lows each year can bring us, it’s no surprise that one of Sophie’s favourite things about Christmas is slowing down. Christmas can be a perfect time to take care of yourself, put your feet up and appreciate what’s around you, whether that’s family, friends or simply some peaceful time to yourself. 

There’s many things to enjoy throughout the festive period. One of the most popular things our community said they adore is the festive feasts and snacks. One of Sophie’s favourite traditions during Christmas is lighting some candles and enjoying spiced orange muffins on Christmas morning.

 Spiced orange muffins

Fourth in our series is Dan.

One of Dan’s favourite things about Christmas is people being nice to each other. Christmas can be a hard time for many reasons, whether it’s extra money being spent, loneliness or less brighter days. Being kind and generous at this time of year is a lovely way to bond with loved ones, as well as strangers -  a smile goes a long way and could brighten up someone’s day.

Some of Dan’s favourite traditions during Christmas include decorating the Christmas tree, enjoying a big roast dinner and going on chilly Christmas walks. And we couldn’t agree more.

Christmas tree decorating

Last up in our series of traditions is Adrian.

Whilst for some, Christmas is about slowing down from their busy day to day lives, others prefer to get stuck in to festive activities. Some of Adrian’s treasured traditions involve singing Christmas carols, making homemade craft items and decorating the house. 

What are your traditions, and will you start some new ones this year?

We’ve really enjoyed bringing the focus back to the things that money can’t buy; the traditions and emotional parts of Christmas time that brighten up this time of year and bring everyone together. Thank you all for sending in your traditions, we were delighted to read so many heart-warming submissions from our wonderful community.

Whatever you’re up to this Christmas, we hope you all have an enjoyable and well-deserved break.

With love,

The Buy Me Once team x

Christmas tree


Catherine McKay